How to Cure Insomnia In 12 Minutes


Everyone needs help sleeping at night. Learn how to get your sleep back when you have insomnia. Many quick and effective ways to get your sleep back include scheduling a doctor’s appointment. It is possible to find solutions for sleep problems that are more simple than you think. In just 12 minutes, we’ll show you how to cure insomnia.

Light in the Morning, Dark at Night

Bright light can help you get to sleep. Get 5 minutes of sunlight every morning.

To help you fall asleep quicker, keep your blue and white lights to a minimum at night. If you don’t use blue filters, devices such as smartphones and computers emit high levels of blue and white light.

You can use your blue filter maximum if you have to use an electronic device within 2 hours of going to bed.


Did you ever try to learn something boring but fall asleep? Did you ever listen to the speaker talk and find yourself falling asleep?

It is possible to recreate the sleepy feeling by focusing on something boring. Listen to an ebook on a topic that is not interesting to you.

You can also read a book you don’t know. Don’t worry about whether or not you understand the meaning of the words. This technique is excellent for those anxious about sleeping or stressed.

Make use of your imagination.

You can think of something repetitive, like watching sheep in your head. As each imaginary sheep leaps a fence, count. Look at the landscape and observe how each piece moves in the breeze. Are there fluffy clouds in the sky? You can create your world and then fall asleep.

You can also imagine yourself spending time at your favorite spot. You can imagine a place where you feel happy and relaxed. You can add details to your imagery. Feel the sand beneath your feet, or the waves crash onto the shore. Imagine yourself in peaceful settings and lose yourself in a fantasy world.

Meditate or pray

Overthinking everything is a sign that you need to pay attention. This brain activity, called rumination, is a form of anxiety and can cause your body to feel anxious. Creating worrisome scenarios in your head amps you up. Your body will think the strategies you envision are happening right now. This is called catastrophizing.

When you worry too much, your body can go into fight or flight mode. Because it perceives danger from you, your body can become too alert and aware.

Imagine the positive things that might happen instead. Most items we worry about never come to pass except in our heads. For anxiety and worry relief, try yoga or formal meditation techniques.

If you believe in God, you can pray for your problems and give your worries to Him. Many addiction programs encourage you to surrender control and let God deal with your concerns. Knowing that you are not the only one responsible for your problems can be comforting.

Treat a stuffy nose.

Winter can make your nose feel dry, making a cold worse. To add moisture to your space, use an essential oil diffuser or vaporizer with Vicks vapor rub or another menthol.

You can also try a nasal irrigation device available at most drugstores. Any nasal irrigator can be used with the correct saline solution. Tap water should never be used to refill a nasal irrigation device.

It would help if you did not use a decongestant nasal spray for more than three days. A decongestant spray may be helpful for the short-term relief of a common cold. However, it can also cause rebound stuffiness if used for over three days.

Exercise 12 Minutes Per Day

Do 12 minutes of exercise in 2-minute intervals throughout the day. This is called HIIT, or High-Intensity Interval training. You don’t need to sweat if you do six 2-minute bursts of high-intensity, high-energy aerobic activity throughout your day.

Jumping jacks, pushups, and jump ropes can help you sleep better. You will also notice a more fantastic metabolism boost with HIIT than with any other type of exercise.

You can also walk fast or run for 12 minutes. It’s better to get a little exercise than nothing.

Electrolytes are an excellent option.

You can take an electrolyte or mineral supplement to relax and treat any dehydration caused by a hectic day. You can find mineral supplements at your local health food store or buy electrolyte-infused water from a sports or water shop.

Online, you can buy potassium chloride and magnesium chloride. You can add them to water with a sugar-free sweetener or eat a banana to get an extra dose of potassium. It would help if you were careful with the dosage of these supplements to ensure they don’t cause any health problems.

Pay attention to caffeine and sugar in sports drinks. These can cause you to feel more awake than you need.

Try Melatonin

Some people can fall asleep with melatonin. A melt tab can help you reach dreamland in just 12 minutes. Some people feel that melatonin is not effective if taken daily. Others find it works well with just 1-2 mg per night.

This can help if your work shifts interrupt your sleep rhythm for a few days each week.

Make herbal tea

Many herbal teas can help you fall asleep. Look for your favorite herbal teas at natural food stores. The most popular sleep remedies include chamomile, skullcap, and kava. However, other herbal blends might also be helpful. You can try a new one every night until you find your favorite.

Stop Caffeine

Consider reducing the amount of coffee you drink, especially after 4 pm. It would help if you gave your body time to eliminate caffeine. Some people feel more comfortable removing caffeine, while others only take it in the morning.

Take a look at your medicine cabinet.

If you genuinely need a restful night’s sleep, take occasional sleep meds. Your safety and health depend on your ability to get the recommended sleep.

Many medications are available for occasional use at drugstores. You may find that you require sleep medication every night. Consult your ENT doctor if this is the case.

Refer to the Doc

A medical condition may disrupt your sleep. You may need to take a different medication or use a sleep aid if you have a medical condition. To determine the cause of your sleep problems, your ENT doctor might recommend a sleep study.

To sleep well, you may need a medical device. Your ENT doctor might recommend an instrument if you have sleep apnea.

  • CPAP
  • Inspire is an FDA-approved implantable device that helps you sleep with sleep apnea.
  • BiPAP

If you have severe problems such as:

  • Gasping for air – Waking up
  • Having to go to the toilet multiple times per night
  • After a night of sleep, it isn’t easy to wake up in the morning.
  • Sleeping with difficulty breathing

We Can Help

At Enticare, our ENT doctors specialize in sleep disorders. You may have a sleep disorder if natural remedies fail to satisfy you. You can have your insomnia diagnosed by our ENT doctors. Sleep apnea is a condition that affects a large percentage of the population.

We will help you discover the root cause of your insomnia and show you how to return to feeling refreshed every morning. A sleep study is often the only way to determine precisely what is causing your insomnia. Call us now to schedule your sleep study or make an appointment. We can help you feel great when you get up in the morning.